Monday, April 20, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Just Created - A Brand New Meditation!

Thus, our new program, “How I Used Facebook to Change My Life,” was born! It includes: “Secrets of Social Networking to Become Happier, Healthier, and Wealthier – NOW.”
It’s an hour-long interview with Matt that gets to the root very quickly on how to have a happy, abundant life. You can check it out here to see more of what we covered in that hour: http://www.truedivinenature.com/facebook.htm
Please join us!
I also created a new meditation, in honor of this powerful friend connector. It’s “The Facebook Meditation.” It’s designed to rewire your subconscious mind, to help you live a life of infinite abundance and expanded consciousness, whether you’re online, or off -- participating in the world around you.
In the scripting, I incorporated many of Matt’s spiritual teachings to help transform your online experience into a conscious way to attract unlimited flowing prosperity, create improved health, and release the barriers that keep struggle, fear, or scarcity alive in your life. It’s voiced by me, in my signature style that I created for the Peak Potentials series of CDs.
It’s a donation-based program, so everyone can participate. Please enjoy this special creation, and DO stay in touch and let me know how it touches your life!
Abundant blessings always,
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Here We Go!

- Divine Power of Giving
- The Spiritual Ego
- Living the Path of Compassion
Monday, January 5, 2009
Happy, Divine 2009!

They come, they go. No need to give them meaning, a story, or believe the thoughts or feelings running through us moment to moment--especially if they're not adding anything positive or joyful to your day or anyone else's. No need to feel bad when they arise, no need to judge yourself if it still happens (even "after I've done so much work on myself" --that's the most common thing we see in our practice).
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Our Best Friends Spreading Peace

Peace & happy holidays to you and yours,
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Join Us - "Together As One"

Matt and I just recently launched our latest global peace project, where more than one million people from around the world will join together for “Together as One”, a celebration of community building, personal transformation, and universal harmony that counts down to a special 90-minute virtual retreat and healing meditation for global peace on January 20, 2009.
Please join us! http://www.truedivinenature.com/peace.htm
And please let everyone you know about it...bring them one and all to the "peace party!"
Abundant, joyful blessings to you always,
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I Know Nothing, That's For Certain

On one's spiritual journey, it's interesting as one "wakes up" from this dream we call reality. Finding the balance between knowing, feeling, and being the "ONENESS", and yet fully participating in life and all its details -- well, that can be a bit of a dance.
As I am comforting clients and friends who are in financial despair right now, I am also watching the tremendous hope they've put in one man (with his host of support, of course) elected to the president's office. I offer a gentle reminder - as this is undoubtedly and undeniably a powerful time of transformation as a people, and a planet. This is bringing much of what we have left to heal to the surface for us to acknowledge and love. These times point out the many ways we can love and accept ourselves and others more deeply.
Anything appearing as form comes and goes. We know that most everything in form has the potential to disappoint us when we hold it too tight or up too high, place expectations on it, or try to fix or change it.
I am aware, and perhaps you have this knowing too, that what I am sure I know in this life is that "I Don't Know." I don't how our seemingly broken systems will get fixed. I don't know how things will turn out on a day-to-day basis for myself or anyone else.
Sure, I have an intuitive sense of life, I know my intentions, but when it really comes down to it...I don't know. Even in just admitting that to ourselves releases some of the "holding energy," as I call it. It relinquishes the control only the ego thinks it has.
And in that letting go, in that realization, in that detachment from the outcome we can only imagine in our minds at a future time, but really don't know - THAT is where the ease is, the grace is, the flow, the peace we crave. We know the peace is always there, and even say sometimes "underneath it all." But, when we give our full attention and awareness to it, it can be the PEACE that permeates everything in our lives.
Peace can be what leads the way.
In love & peace,Julie
Julie Dittmar & Matt Kahn