Monday, April 20, 2009

Even with my recent appearance in the Twitter and Facebook worlds (already been on MySpace for quite awhile now), I am still drawn to my blog updates. It feels very freeing to write and know I am not approaching the "140 character limit!" I do love being able to easily share photos and videos with friends and fans. I LOVE the international truly does feel like the world opens up to us so easily online.

Matt and I have been getting back into our monthly satsangs (definition: association with truth or eternal being, or a "spiritual talk"). We have been meeting the loveliest people -- face to face. I still say, there is nothing like the in-person connections, a hug, and sharing food and beverage together. Delightful! It's so wonderful that we have such an abundant, vast array of ways we can all stay in touch and share the love.

I'll be sharing tea with in-person friends, family, and clients in the L.A. and San Diego areas April 29-May 6. If you are in the area, let's connect! Have a beautiful day -- on and offline! :)

Abundant blessings,


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just Created - A Brand New Meditation!

I was talking with my partner, Matt the other day about how fascinated I am by the whirlwind and buzz about Twitter and Facebook. What a phenomenon! Matt and I began discussing how great it would be to use that time of connecting with others in a really loving, conscious way. What if we used our Facebook time with friends in our closest inner circles, and even our extended circles of friends as a means of compassionate outreach?

Thus, our new program, “How I Used Facebook to Change My Life,” was born! It includes: “Secrets of Social Networking to Become Happier, Healthier, and Wealthier – NOW.”

It’s an hour-long interview with Matt that gets to the root very quickly on how to have a happy, abundant life. You can check it out here to see more of what we covered in that hour:

Please join us!

I also created a new meditation, in honor of this powerful friend connector. It’s “The Facebook Meditation.” It’s designed to rewire your subconscious mind, to help you live a life of infinite abundance and expanded consciousness, whether you’re online, or off -- participating in the world around you.

In the scripting, I incorporated many of Matt’s spiritual teachings to help transform your online experience into a conscious way to attract unlimited flowing prosperity, create improved health, and release the barriers that keep struggle, fear, or scarcity alive in your life. It’s voiced by me, in my signature style that I created for the Peak Potentials series of CDs.

It’s a donation-based program, so everyone can participate. Please enjoy this special creation, and DO stay in touch and let me know how it touches your life!

Abundant blessings always,

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Here We Go!

Wow, this first month of '09 has flown by. Congrats, we made it -- we now have our new, 44th president all inaugurated and ready to roll. Let's see what we all create together, now!

Matt and I just finished up our super successful and fun peace project - "Together As One." Thank you all so much for your participation in bringing more peace to the planet!

We just held our first satsang of 2009 last weekend, and posted new clips on our YouTube channel -- so, check it out and give yourself the gift of rest, and peace.
We are really enjoying doing our (internet broadcast) radio show on the World Puja Network every couple of weeks. It's a full hour where Matt & I offer you a place of peace, reflection, compassion, and an opening of the heart. Each show centers around a specific topic and evolves from one show to the next. The shows are all FREE and available 24/7 in the archives at: Our show is called "True Divine Nature." Our favorite topics so far:
  • Divine Power of Giving
  • The Spiritual Ego
  • Living the Path of Compassion
Much love & gratitude,
Julie Dittmar

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy, Divine 2009!

Matt and I rang in 2009 underneath the fireworks of the Space Needle at midnight. It was magical...the colorful explosions, an excited crowd, and the Seattle rain. After nearly two weeks of snow and ice, the fact that it was rain, was pretty amazing!

We're off to a busy start of the new year. Our new World Puja show on "The Spiritual Ego" airs this Wed. Jan. 7, and, we filled in for the vacationing Pat Baccili on the Dr. Pat Show this morning.

Both are free to listen to in the archives! Enjoy. We felt they are some of our best shows to date. Hope you get the chance to experience both of them. We felt like we really showed up, and gave from our hearts, and hope that translates on your end. Let us know!

A client emailed us last week with a question about going through times when "less than savory," or unkind, unpleasant thoughts pop up in the mind. What I shared with her I would also like to offer to you, as well, if it's at all helpful in navigating the waters of the mind.

I like to think of these thoughts as waves at they ocean. They come in, they go out. When Matt & I experience an unkind or unhelpful thought, and we all do--we bring our attention to the awareness is there about it, but we don't take it seriously--as truth. We let the thoughts come and go...knowing, and accepting that they come and go. That way, we're not trying to control them and push them away --which only tends to create MORE resistance and discomfort.

They come, they go. No need to give them meaning, a story, or believe the thoughts or feelings running through us moment to moment--especially if they're not adding anything positive or joyful to your day or anyone else's. No need to feel bad when they arise, no need to judge yourself if it still happens (even "after I've done so much work on myself" --that's the most common thing we see in our practice).

Always, unwavering, and unfailing, you are beautiful and loving at your core. Just taking a deep breath in and out and knowing this...can allow this knowing to grow more alive in you in every day. We have infinite expressions of this core throughout our day....some are how we would wish, and some are not. Thank goodness we have the next moment, where we can begin again with even more love than the last moment held.

Wishing you deep, self-loving breaths, and a knowing of your true divine nature.

Blessings always,
Julie Dittmar & Matt Kahn
Spiritual Teachers & Intuitive Healers