(photo of water sparkles at Cannon Beach, OR coast)
I had a vision the other day. I remember seeing a beautiful lake on a bright, sunshiney day. It wasn't so bright that you had to shield your eyes from the glare off the water, it was just right to stand in the shade and just take in the view of the whole lake with my eyes.I noticed how pretty the sparkles were of the light reflecting off the water. Then, came a voice with messages for me. I was a little surprised, but it felt so lovely that I opened up all my senses to truly LISTEN.
I heard, "WE are the sparkles on the lake....all beautiful and spectacular in our own ways, and yet no one shines brighter than another. We all equally bring our light to the lake.”
I felt the wisdom and thought about we spend so much energy in our lives striving to achieve, to stand out, to be better, to be the best, when really, we can just enjoy living life doing whatever brings us joy, and knowing that we ALL are shining lights. We ALL are already “the best.” We all ARE a sparkling part of the whole of this planet, of this Universe. No sparkle is MORE sparkly than the next one and tries to out-do it. It simply shines.
How do you perfect Spirit?
I felt even more relief, and any self-imposed pressure lift off and fall away with this reminder and deeper knowing. It was a nice little gem that popped into my day to remind me (us) to be easy with ourselves on this path of playing out these roles as humans in this life…. “Together As ONE.”
Later, as I was preparing the photo of sparkles I took at the beach, I took a closer look at the them. Suddenly, some of them reminded me of my biology class in high school where Mr. Berg taught us about chromosomes. I thought, how funny, (that like always), nature is just doing what it does….reflecting the beautiful cosmos inside of our bodies.

(human chromosomes)
In joy & gratitude for all our *sparkliness*,
Julie Dittmar
True Divine Nature
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