Welcome to my very first foray into the blogging world! I have been reading everyone else's blogs for so long now....all those great juicy ones out there on food, living green, and creating big, happy lives. I never once imagined having my own. Until today!
For some unnamed, unknown, creative reason, I caught the blog inspiration today. Goodness, what's next, an iPod, a Blackberry, or GPS in my car? The theme of today has been -- "How can I bring more JOY into today? "Why more joy? Well, first off, because it feels good in the body. Secondly, it creates a more peaceful way of moving through everything from the seemingly mundane "errands", to the exciting chart-topping successes!
Joy, for me, reduces any stress, boosts my immune system, and definitely is a precursor to me sharing smiles and more love with those around me. Quite often it's my inner child who helps me answer questions like that.
So, today, I took a walk in nature (sooooo rejuvenating and heart-opening) because it's finally looking and feeling like spring in beautiful Seattle, I spent some time bouncing on my rebounder, and enjoyed my favorite latest find - 1/2 of a wheat-free, gluten-free muffin from our local gluten-free bakery, Haley's Corner Bakery. The chocolate chip pumpkin one is OUT OF THIS WORLD! It inspires both giggles and moans, in my book! How do YOU get into JOY and express it in the world?
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