Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Finding Peace in Turbulent Times

In the latest article on our web site:, there's a great article we just posted in the teaching area called "Finding Peace in Turbulent Times."

In Matt Kahn's writings, he says "notice what in life we resist, acknowledge the resistance, and bless what manifestation has brought such insight into awareness. In this way, the seemingly "negative" news becomes a true spiritual practice of blessing what you see, no matter how it is perceived or presented."

I was reflecting on this. I especially resonate with the article's point about not having to avoid the news. And, if one does avoid the news, (or anything else we might view as negative or even "lower vibration") it doesn't mean that makes any person "more spiritual" than the next.

I don't think life is about having to avoid's what we do with what we take in through our senses. It's what we do with the news inside of our heads. What stories do we create? Do we react in fear or stress, or build a new belief structure that makes us more right than someone else?

Personally, I know when I take a walk in the woods and listen to the birds' songs, everything seems right in the entire Universe. That's easy. When I do consciously choose to tune in to the media to see what perspectives are floating around out there, it IS a great opportunity to take some deep breaths and bless all that I see. I can be peaceful in both situations by choice, and definitely without repressing any emotions. I can be empathetic and emotional if I wish.

What's going on or not going on in the world right now can be a moment of pause for us, and a chance to practice gratitude for all that we have in our lives - for all the people and situations up to this point, and whatever is to come our way.

Some people are calling this time in history "tumultuous," "chaotic," or "a crisis." Others are doing just great. In fact, this week, I just received two notices of two new stores opening up and having grand opening celebrations. They're expanding. Perhaps that is what I will call this time in is a "Grand Opening!" The question is, are we going to complain in the corner about how crowded the store is, or about running out of hors d'oeuvres, or are we going to grab a balloon and cheer as we run through the aisles --celebrating the abundance of all that is?

Every moment of this journey is a living meditation. Bless us one and all!

Julie Dittmar
(253) 639-0770

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